Support Us

Your support means we can keep offering life-enhancing adventures at affordable prices, or free to those who can't raise the voyage fee themselves. Please get in touch if you can help us.

Sponsor us

It costs a lot to keep our vessels safe and up to date, to run our office, and to provide the service we do. Every penny of support we receive is money we don’t have to ask our beneficiaries to fund and so is greatly appreciated.

To find out more about why we’re worth supporting and find out more about what we do, take a look at our mission and the impact it has.

Donate to our Wider Horizons Fund

Our Wider Horizons fund is there to help people who can’t afford an adventure. Each donation we receive helps take young people sailing who would have no chance of joining an adventure without financial assistance, and it directly helps them gain valuable life skills.

Donate to our £10k projects

We always have a few big projects planned at any one time, most of which require around £10k of funding. Examples include engine replacements for our boats, hiring a professional skipper to expand our programme, and upgrading our navigation equipment.

Sponsor a Voyage

Your donation could cover the costs of running a weekend or week long voyage. Each voyage costs us about £750 per day to run, so your sponsorship could allow us to offer it to our beneficiaries free.

Sponsor our overheads

There are things that really can make the difference to the experience of our beneficiaries. It can be as simple as ensuring they are wearing good quality waterproofs to keep them warm and dry at sea, or one of our very recognisable “It’s My Adventure” tshirts to remember the voyage by. Costs like these all add up. Sponsoring items like these means your generosity will have an impact on every person who sails with us.

Contact us if you think you would like to sponsor us!

Volunteer with us

Volunteer at Sea

Volunteering at sea is an incredibly rewarding experience. It can be a fantastic way to get out on the water, build your own experience, and pass your experience and enthusiasm for sailing on to participants.

Our voyages are run entirely by volunteers so you are sure to be in great company and amongst like minded people. We are always looking for more volunteers to sail as skippers and mates on our boats.

Volunteers sail with us in a variety of sea-staff roles, from trainee mate through to skipper. Which role is right for you depends on how much experience you have, and whether you have any maritime qualifications.

Volunteering Process

  1. Let our office team know you want to volunteer with us. They will talk you through the process in more detail.
  2. Complete one of our training and assessment weekends. We’ll show you around the boats, tell you about the work we do, and give you a chance to show what you can do!
  3. Boring (but essential) paperwork. After your training weekend, we’ll tell you which position we think is right for you. But before you can sail we still need to do a DBS background check because you’ll be working with children. We’ll also need to get copies of any maritime qualifications you have.
  4. Sign up to our sailing programme and GO SAILING!
  5. Have a great time.

Volunteer Ashore

You don’t have to be a sailor to volunteer for Offshore. We’re always looking for committed people to help out, whilst keeping feet firmly on dry land.

Examples of ways people support us include:

  • Fundraising Support
  • Helping introduce us to groups who would benefit from a voyage with us.
  • Boat maintenance
  • Event planning and organisation

Contact us if you think you would like to join our amazing team of volunteers!

Useful Information

Where are our vessels?


Our Sponsors


Stay in touch

Telephone: 01206 385 071

Tolken, The Lane, West Mersea, Colchester, Essex, CO5 8NT
Registered charity Number 1035015

A Mackman Group collaboration - market research by Mackman Research | website design by Mackman